Automatic iOS Updates On iPhone Or iPad

To ensure your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch are up to date, turn on an Automatic iOS updates on iPhone or iPad to have the latest version of the iOS software downloaded automatically when available. Turning Automatic Updates on ensures that your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is always running the latest commercially available version …

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Choosing the Right ServiceNow Consulting Partner: Factors for Successful Implementation

In the ever-evolving realm of enterprise tech, partnering up with the right consulting crew can be the whole game for getting that complex beast known as ServiceNow. Choosing a ServiceNow sherpa is a heavyweight decision as businesses scramble to streamline processes and amp up their tech framework. From being tech whizzes to having a sixth …

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The Steps to Kill or Force Quit Apps on iPhone X


We have established that mindlessly force quitting all apps multiple times a day doesn’t improve iPhone’s performance or the battery life. Apple clearly wants users to stop doing this. Which is why they’ve changed the force quit app gesture in iPhone X. Like the one for force quitting an app. To make sure that you …

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Guide To Compress Videos on iPhone and iPad

Capturing videos with your iPhone or iPad is convenient and easy. However, those video files can be quite large in size. Not only does this take up more space on your device but can make sending or sharing the videos difficult. Reducing the size of your video files by compressing them is simple with the …

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Smart Homes and Sustainable Developments: The Future of Residential Housing

In an era where technological advancements continue to reshape our lives, smart homes and sustainable developments are emerging as the epitome of residential housing. These futuristic abodes not only make our lives more convenient but also contribute to a greener and more efficient society. With interconnected devices seamlessly communicating with one another, smart homes bring …

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